
Major Requirements

Major: Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies (BA)

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

GWSS 219: Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies 4
GWSS 319: Feminist & Gender Theory 4
GWSS 430: Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Seminar 4

Six Electives* (Partial list below. See Program Chair for a complete listing each semester)

Total 36

* It is recommended that GWSS majors take at least one course from each school from the pre-approved list of elective courses. At least five courses, including GWSS 319 and GWSS 430, must be at the 300/400 level.

Minor Requirements: Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

GWSS 219: Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies 4
GWSS 430: Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Seminar 4

Three courses from among offerings. At least one course must be at the 300 level and courses must be from at least two different schools. (Partial list below, see program coordinator for a complete listing each semester.)

Total 20

GWSS Elective courses:

Joan P. Brock School of Mathematics & Natural Science

  • BIO 222: Human Anatomy & Physiology II*

Susan S. Goode School of Arts and Humanities

  • CLAS 350: Women in the Ancient World
  • MC 327: Children and the Media
  • ENG 261: Women Writers
  • ENG 262/362: LGBTQ Literature
  • ENG 318: Adolescent Literature
  • ENG 360: Contemporary British Literature
  • ENG 385: American Protest Literature
    SPAN 350: Hispanic American Women Writers
  • TH 375: Images of Women in Theatre and Film
  • TH 410: Contemporary Voices in Theatre

D. Henry Watts School of Professional Studies

  • SW 361: Human Sexuality
  • SW 402: Women on the Brink

Birdsong School of Social Science

  • CJ/SOC 418: Family Violence
  • HIST 352: U.S. Women’s History
  • HIST 353: History of Women in Europe Since 1700
  • HIST 426: Heresy and the Witch-Hunt
  • POLS 203: Politics and Literature
  • POLS 204: Introduction to Feminist Political Thought
  • POLS 239: American Political Thought
  • POLS 348: International Human Rights
  • POLS 355: Women, Power and Politics
  • POLS 363: Sex, Gender, and Global Security
  • PSY 351: Psychology of Gender
  • PSY 385: Psychology of Eating Disorders
  • SOC 311: Family

Many other topics courses fulfill GWSS elective requirements. See program coordinator for a complete list each semester.