
Major Requirements

Two tracks are available within the Classics major. The major track in Classical Civilization offers immersion in the culture, literature, and history of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds through readings in English translation with only a small amount of required coursework in ancient language. Students seeking to acquire expertise in the Latin language in addition to a foundation in ancient history and literature may elect the major track in Latin. Classics has a VDOE endorsement in the Teaching of Latin, permitting successful students who undertake the appropriate coursework to leave VWU certified to teach high school Latin.

Major: Classical Civilization Track (BA)

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.


One of the following:
(You may also choose a higher level course in either of these languages)
LATN 111: Beginning Latin I
GREK 121: Beginning Ancient Greek
Or any higher level course in either of these languages


Civilization, Culture, & Traditions*

Three of the following:
LATN 111: Beginning Latin I
LATN 112: Beginning Latin II
LATN 213: Intermediate Latin
GREK 121: Beginning Ancient Greek I
GREK 122: Beginning Ancient Greek II
GREK 213: Intermediate Ancient Greek
CLAS 105: Classical Mythology
CLAS 120: Introduction to Classical Archaeology
CLAS 210: Roman History
CLAS 263: World Literature I
CLAS 264: World Literature II
RELST 116: World Religions
RELST 217: The Old Testament World
RELST 218: The New Testament World
RELST 251: Bible and Literature


Synthesis and Specialization‡

Four of the following:
CLAS 310: Topics in Greek History
CLAS 330: Topics in Classical Studies
CLAS 350: Women in the Ancient World
CLAS 356: Classical Studies Abroad
CLAS 360: Classical Virginia
CLAS 370: The Ancient World in the Cinema
LATN 305: Topics in Latin Prose
LATN 306: Topics in Latin Poetry
PHIL 332: Ancient Greek Philosophy
RELST 303: Saints and Heretics: Christian History I
RELST 351: Bible and Literature
TH 301: Theatre History: Origins to 1660
INST 470: Developments in Science and Technology
LATN 471: Practicum in the Teaching of Latin‡

CLAS 430: Topics in Classics (Senior Thesis) 4
Total 32

*Other appropriate courses whose primary focus is the ancient world and/or its Nachleben may also be counted toward this category for the Classical
Civilization Track of the Classics Major, with the permission of the Classics Coordinator.
‡ Other appropriate 300/400-level courses in related disciplines such as Art History may also be counted toward these 16 hours, subject to the approval of the Classics Department Chair.

Major: Latin Track (BA)

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

Civilization, Culture, & Traditions*

Three of the following:
LATN 111: Beginning Latin I
LATN 112: Beginning Latin II
LATN 213: Intermediate Latin
GREK 121: Beginning Ancient Greek I
GREK 122: Beginning Ancient Greek II
CLAS 105: Classical Mythology
CLAS 120: Introduction to Classical Archaeology
CLAS 210: Roman History
CLAS 263: World Literature I
CLAS 264: World Literature II
RELST 116: World Religions
RELST 217: The Old Testament World
RELST 218: The New Testament World
RELST 251: Bible and Literature


Language, Translation, Rhetoric, Textual Analysis, and Etymology

Three of the following:
LATN 305 Topics in Latin Prose
LATN 306 Topics in Latin Poetry
(both may be repeated with a different topic; students MUST take at least one iteration of LATN 305 and of LATN 306)


Synthesis and Specialization ‡

One of the following:
CLAS 310: Topics in Greek History
CLAS 330: Topics in Classical Studies
CLAS 350: Women in the Ancient World
CLAS 356: Classical Studies Abroad
CLAS 360: Classical Virginia
CLAS 370: The Ancient World in the Cinema
LATN 305: Topics in Latin Prose
LATN 306: Topics in Latin Poetry
PHIL 332: Ancient Greek Philosophy
RELST 303: Saints and Heretics: Christian History I
RELST 351: Bible and Literature
TH 301: Theatre History: Origins to 1660
INST 470: Developments in Science and Technology
LATN 471: Practicum in the Teaching of Latin‡

CLAS 430: Topics in Classics (Senior Thesis) 4
Total 32

*When the student’s program of study dictates, other appropriate courses dealing with the ancient world may be substituted to count toward this category, with the permission of the Classics Coordinator.

‡Other appropriate 300/400-level courses in related areas such as Art History may also be counted toward these four credits, subject to the approval of the
Classics Coordinator.

Students interested in graduate school are strongly encouraged to undertake more iterations of LATN 305 and 306, as well as to take GREK 121, 122, and some
Greek at the 300 level.

Students pursuing certification in the teaching of Latin must take LATN 471.

Minor Requirements: Classical Civilization

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

Three courses designated as CLAS, LATN, or GREK (for Greek, contact the Classics coordinator) 12
Two other courses designated as CLAS, LATN, or GREK, or other courses about the ancient world from other rubrics, as approved by the Classics coordinator. 8
Total 20*

*At least 12 of the 20 semester hours must be at the 300-400 level.

Minor Requirements: Latin

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

Three courses in Latin (at least two at 300/400 level) 12
Two courses from either Latin or Greek or courses in art history, religious studies, philosophy as approved by the department coordinator. (One course must be at the 300/400 level.) 8
Total 20