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VWU Senior Matty Taylor

A culture warrior, but not the kind you think

University News | October 19, 2023

When pressed to come up with characteristics that best describe Matty Taylor, curiosity would have to be at the top of the list. Specifically, curiosity about different people and cultures. In fact, this VWU German major has been curious since childhood, starting with his introduction to martial arts. After earning his black belt in Taekwondo, he moved on to Kobudo – among the most ancient forms of martial arts dating back to the 1300s – which opened the door to his interest in Japanese culture. 

This past spring, Matty studied abroad, attending Kansai Gaidai University in Osaka, Japan, describing the experience as “life-changing.” In addition to his studies, Matty also continued his martial arts studies at a dojo in Kyoto which included participation in a hilltop ceremony at an ancient shrine in the heart of Osaka. “I was the only non-Japanese person involved,” he says. “The solemnity and reverence in the ritual is something I will carry with me as long as I live.” 

Now nearly fluent in both German and Japanese, Matty sees a future in linguistics…among other things, as he is a young man of many interests. At the age of 16, he picked up a guitar and never put it down. Now an accomplished blues guitarist, he fronts the Matty Taylor Trio which also includes drummer Alex Bertrand, a 2023 VWU graduate who he met as a member of the 91风月楼 Jazz Ensemble. Here too, culture plays a pivotal role in his interest. 

“Being more of a niche genre, the blues community is really tight knit,” says Matty. “There’s a strong bond between performers and their fans. “Like country music, there’s an emotional realm to it that touches the heart and is tied to a rich part of American culture.” 

The common thread that connects Matty’s varied interests can best be described as a genuine interest in others. “There’s a Japanese word I really like which is ‘Shoshin,” he says. “It means a beginner’s mind or beginner’s heart. Essentially, it’s maintaining an attitude of openness, eagerness, and a lack of preconceptions.” 

With a mindset such as this, it should come as no surprise that Matty is worried about the current state of American, as well as global politics. Though not overly political himself, he believes the “us versus them” mentality that seems to dominate the nation’s dialogue is especially damaging to a civilized society, saying, “one of the greatest gifts in life is to be exposed to a culture other than your own.” 

Though he has no plans to jump into the political area, he won’t rule it out in the future. For now, Matty is happy to share his experiences, love of martial arts, and music with others in hopes of inspiring them to life enriched by broader horizons. As for his own broad interest, they’re still expanding. He also maintains an interest in the sciences, and plans to return to school to earn an associate’s degree in math. Like any curious person, he just seeks knowledge for its own sake.