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Making the Most of Experiential Learning Opportunities

Studying abroad and conducting research prepare Caleb Mercer for a career in international affairs

University News | December 5, 2018

Caleb Mercer ’19, a senior majoring in history and religious studies, has taken advantage of the experiential learning opportunities offered by 91风月楼.

As a sophomore, Mercer was awarded a Study Away Course Grant through The Lighthouse to enroll in HIST 222: History of Modern Korea taught by Professor of History Daniel Margolies. The course included travel to South Korea to experience Korea’s history and culture.

“This was the best class I have ever taken,” says Mercer. “Through studying abroad, I could see the clear continuity between the material we learned and the state of Korea today.”

As a rising junior, Mercer undertook an independent research project that examined The Bible, Romans 1, and human sexuality. During the course he was mentored by Professor of Religious Studies Craig Wansink and supported in conducting research at Duke University’s Divinity School Library. He received funding through The Lighthouse’s Summer High-Impact Practice Program (SHIPP) to support his research.

During his junior year, Mercer studied abroad for a year in Osaka, Japan with one of VWU’s exchange partner institutions, . His study abroad experience was funded through Virginia Wesleyan’s Global Scholars Program.

And now, as a senior, Mercer is currently undertaking a research project in HIST 460: Senior Thesis Seminar with Associate Professor of History Kathleen Casey that investigates the United States’ mandate for Japan to rearm during the Korean War.

Mercer says that the impact of these experiences have provided a springboard for his future.

How will these experiences benefit you after graduation?

“My majors require me to analyze perspectives different than my own. My summer research project taught me how to do an exegetical analysis of a text, which is similar to engaging in a dialogue. The researcher has to keep in mind the work of past scholarship and use it to make an argument for his or her research question. My year abroad allowed me to learn a great deal about Japanese culture and cultural exchange.”

What are your plans for the future?

“I hope to live a life serving the international community through diplomatic affairs or international law. My study abroad and research experiences have provided a good foundation for a career in international affairs.”

What were some of your most significant discoveries?

 “The most important takeaways came from making mistakes. For study abroad, I constantly said the wrong things and sometimes even acted impolitely. But only through making mistakes could I learn what was acceptable. Similarly, my research came from making mistakes. In the first draft of my paper, I tried to take on too many topics and ended up straying away from my best point. Only through writing several drafts did I develop the best argument.”

What advice can you offer other students?

 “If you want to study away, then just go for it. Don’t hang out with too many Americans. Some international students spend too much time with people from their own country. Their study abroad experience becomes one big student tour, which is much different than cultural immersion. The only way to get to know your host country is through developing relationships with locals.”

What factors most contributed to your success?

 “My faculty mentors have continuously offered their support for my academic and career efforts. At Virginia Wesleyan, faculty mentoring is at the heart of experiential learning. Students who undertake research, internships, and study away work closely with professors, who carefully guide them to academic, professional, and personal success.”

Adapted from “The Lighthouse’s Student Success Stories,” by Sara Sewell, Executive Director of The Lighthouse: Center for Exploration and Discovery.